Last updated: January 12, 2021
This page will continue to be updated as we finalize more details. Be sure to check back later for more information regarding our 2021 events.
Tests will be administered online through Scilympiad. All tests, with the exception of Codebusters, are open-internet and will mainly consist of “critical thinking” (less search-able) questions.
There is no event schedule: tests may be taken during any 50 minute period within a testing window of two days (12:00 AM EST Friday to 11:59 PM EST Saturday.) The timer for each test begins when one partner opens the test, so be sure to coordinate with your partners in advance.
Tests will automatically sync between partners in real-time. Scilympiad has a built-in chat function, but competitors may use the built-in chat or their preferred mode of communication during the exam.
To maintain social distancing, teams and partners are encouraged not to meet up in person.
ES’s will be available for questions for 6 hours over both days of the testing period. These times will be decided and announced in advance, and we will try our best to keep these times reasonably distributed for schools in different time zones.
Please note that only questions that don’t give any team an unfair advantage will be answered. Questions to the ES will be private. The communication mechanism will be announced later.