Last updated: January 14, 2023
Public transportation from Logan Airport to Boston/Cambridge is free via the MBTA Subway (the T system). After landing, proceed towards baggage claim/ground transportation. Find the shuttle stop for the Silver Line 1 shuttle. Take Silver Line 1 to South Station where you can board the Red Line heading to Alewife. Take the Red Line to the Kendall/MIT stop. Note that only transportation from the airport into the city is free. Going to the airport will require purchasing a Charlie Ticket.
Ride-sharing services (e.g. Uber, Lyft) or rental cars are also feasible options for teams with large items.
Buses should drop off students along Amherst Street (facing west). We recommend setting your GPS to 32 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA to find the correct Amherst Street because there are two Amherst Streets in Cambridge. Please note that buses may only stop along the westbound side of Amherst Street, accessible only from Massachusetts Avenue.
Afterwards, buses should proceed to 65 Waverly Lot. If this space fills, then buses will need to find parking outside of campus.
Buses should pick up students on Amherst Street at the conclusion of the awards ceremony in the evening.
See the “Bus Drop-Off & Parking” page of this document for a detailed map.
Individuals or teams arriving at the tournament by car may park in any of the seven lots listed under “Parking at MIT without a Permit” near the bottom of this page at an hourly fee. Among those seven lots, the building 44/46 lot is closest to the main part of campus. Some street parking is available on Memorial Drive and Vassar Street. Additional parking is available in the Green Garage on Broadway St.